BusinessCards/32 v4.1 for Windows'95/NT Copyright (c) 1993-1997 by MidStream, Inc. All rights reserved. R E L E A S E N O T E S For installation instructions and ordering information, please refer to the README.TXT file. For order form, please see the ORDER.TXT. Both BusinessCards/32 and BusinessDialer/32 are constantly updated and improved. The following list contains update information since version v4.00 of BusinessCards. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - BusinessCards/32 now is Internet enabled. This is a singe new major feature. Now you can preview and launch URLs using Shift/F11 and F11 (new Card/Internet command); - BusinessCards/32 now has direct links to and online ordering; - drag and drop is now supported for 2-button mouses (hold down key and click Right mouse button to drag card's contents); - all modal dialogs are now closing when pressing the ESC key; - Ctrl/Shift/Letter hotkeys now turns page to the specific letter; - new toolbar look and feel; - new install and uninstall programs; - a lot of other minor fixes and improvements (drag and drop, Cardfile export, printing); - enjoy!